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Expression systems - Latest research and news | Nature
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09
Definition Expression systems are genetic constructs (a gene encoded by DNA) that are designed to produce a protein, or an RNA (ribonucleic acid), either inside or outside a cell. Expression systems are used in research and in the commercial production of enzymes or therapeutics.Research12 August 2021 | Open Access Expression of a human cDNA in moss results in spliced mRNAs and fragmentary protein isoforms Top et al. report the expression of a human blood-clotting factor IX-encoding cDNA in the moss Physcomitrium patens and demonstrate that in addition to the unspliced full-length transcript, the splicing machinery produced several different transcripts, and thus different protein isoforms, which the authors designate as heterosplicing. The authors present a web application, physCO, to automatize the process of P. patens-specific codon optimization, a tool that can assist in maximized functional protein amounts for biotechnology.Research12 August 2021 | Open Access Tailoring the evolution of BL21(DE3) uncovers a key role for RNA stability in gene expression toxicity Heyde and N酶rholm investigate the role of RNAse E in the toxicity mediated by overexpression of heterologous proteins in derivatives of the BL21(DE3) strain of E. coli. The authors report an unexpected connection between global RNA metabolism and the efficiency of heterologous protein production in E. coli. Cell-free gene expression is useful for expressing proteins with post-translational modifications, with special folding requirements and whose expression is difficult in prokaryotic systems. Garenne et al. outline the best practices for the expression of proteins in a cell-free environment.Research23 June 2021 | Open Access Single-component near-infrared optogenetic systems for gene transcription regulation Current near-IR optogenetic systems to regulate transcription consist of a number of large protein components. Here the authors report a smaller single-component near-IR system, iLight, developed from a bacterial phytochrome that they use to control gene transcription in bacterial and mammalian cells.Research17 June 2021 | Open Access Identification of antigenic domains and peptides from VP15 of white spot syndrome virus and their antiviral effects in Marsupenaeus japonicusResearch03 June 2021 | Open Access Characteristic and expression of Hsp70 and Hsp90 genes from Tyrophagus putrescentiae and their response to thermal stressCorrespondence | 29 March 2021 Alternative hosts as the missing link for equitable therapeutic protein production Subretinal delivery of lentiviruses bearing Cas9 mRNA and a guide RNA targeting the Vegfa gene reduces the development of choroidal neovascularization in a mouse model of wet age-related macular degeneration. The safety of engineered T cells is improved through gated expression of two chimeric antigen receptors. Expanding the range of amino acids polymerizable by ribosomes could enable new functionalities to be added to polypeptides. Now, the genetic code has been reprogrammed using a reconstituted in vitro translation system to enable synthesis of unnatural peptides with unmatched flexibility. Reducing the glycan heterogeneity of recombinant proteins may improve the efficacy of biopharmaceuticals.

本文链接: http://expression.immuno-online.com/view-33462.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()