IMBT - Glieder Team
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The Glieder team innovates protein expression for enzyme and pathway expression and engineering. Building on a strong platform of microbial Expression Systems with freedom to operate (FTO), advanced tools and methods for gene expression are developed. Synthetic biology approaches are applied to tune and balance (co-) expression of several proteins, for example to maximize the catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 whole cell catalysts, folding and secretion of enzymes, which are difficult to express. Engineering of expression systems includes the design and construction of synthetic promoters, terminators and expression vectors as well as the reengineering of microbial chassis strains. Applicable applied research is a top priority and therefore the construction of genetically stable expression strains is a core interest and activity. Discovery and Engineering of robust enzymes is applied for industrial biocatalyst development and to adapt enzymes for synthetic pathways. Most of these studies are dedicated to genes from eukaryotes, which are difficult to express in E. coli. November 2012 - September 2016 IMI CHEM21/WP4 - Synthetic Biology Project WebsiteWP4 of Chemical Manufacturing Methods for the 21st Century Pharmaceutical Industry is focusing on the transformation of simple carbon sources into high value products by microorganisms. This will be achieved by the design of efficient biosynthetic pathways in industrially relevant platform microorganism that allow the sustainable and economic production of complex molecules in order to reduce the number or even eliminate the necessity of synthesis steps by organic chemistry in production processes of small molecule drugs.Ongoing Pichia Pool - FTO Pichia pastoris expression strains and vectorsIn a collaboration between TU Graz, the research Centre Applied Biocatalysis (now acib GmbH) and VTU Technology a platform of Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffi) strains and vectors for recombinant protein expression was generated to facilitate industrial research collaborations. This platform of tools is continuously improved to facilitate cloning and genomic information about these strains.December 2012 - November 2015 FP7 Project KYROBIO - Grant agreement no: 289646The Glieder Group provides innovative expression and fermentation strategies for enzyme production for the partners of this project on \"The discovery, development and demonstration of biocatalysts for use in the industrial synthesis of chiral chemicals”. The major focus is on methanol independent production of hydroxynitrile lyases in tight collaboration with VTU technology, Ingenza and acib GmbH.April 2015 - March 2019 Horizon2020 Project ROBOX - Grant agreement #635734 Project WebsiteThe TU Graz team contributes to this Horizon2020 project (Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols) by providing new and robust hydroxylation catalysts and innovative co-expression technologies for biocatalysis. Close interaction with industrial partners and lab scale demonstrations in small scale bioreactor experiments under reliable and controlled conditions secure the transferability of the research findings to participating industries. Locally the TUG team closely collaborates with Prof. Rolf Breinbauer and Dr. Margit Winkler from acib to stabilize whole cell biocatalyst preparations for the transfer to other labs and
to apply and characterize the new catalysts in robust biotransformations. Internationally the research activities are closely linked with the research of Prof. Mattevi (Uni Pavia), Prof. Schwaneberg (RWTH), DSM and the Autonomous University Barcelona.OngoingSynthetic biology for gene expression in yeastsThis work includes the design of synthetic parts for tunable gene expression in yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and the application of these new tools to generate new yeast chassis strains. Scale up in bioreactors is performed in collaboration with Prof. Herwig and Doz. Spadiut from TU Vienna and Prof. Kovar (ZHAW, CH)January 2015 - December 2017 acib industrial project Area 2 - New enzymes for polymer modification Project WebsiteThe in silico screening of genomic databases and own next generation sequencing data is applied to identify novel enzymes acting on polymers and for polymer synthesis. The identified biocatalysts for polymer processing are then engineered for improved technological features.2015 - 2017 acib industrial project Area 4 Project WebsiteEnzyme and reaction engineering for the biocatalytic production of carboxylic acid derivatives for API manufacturing in close collaboration with Prof. Wolfgang Kroutil and Prof. Kurt Faber (University Graz).2015-2016 PRIZE - Prototypenfoerderung (AWS) Project Website Applying technologies from recent patent applications by TU Graz, the production of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes for diagnostic, biocatalytic and waste water treatment applications will be improved and demonstrated. MSc. Astrid Weninger: Engineering and production of robust oxygenasesMSc. Lukas Sturmberger: Discovery, Engineering and Expression of novel polymer modifying EnzymesMSc. Fitri Nurfitriani: OEAD fellow: Tunable synthetic Pichia pastoris promotersMSc. Julia Pitzer: industrial projectMSc. Thomas Kickenweiz: ARAP fellowship, collaboration with ICES (Dr. WU), A*Star, SingaporeRui Portella: Synthetic core promoter design jointly supervised with Prof. Rui Oliveira from FCT Portugal Mag. Roland Weis: High throughput methods for protein engineering with the host system Pichia pastorisMag. Alexander Kern: Strategic transformation of key genes from an Aspergillus niger citric acid production strain into Pichia pastorisMSc Liu Zhibin: Directed Evolution of Industrial enzymes employing Pichia pastorisDI Franz Hartner: Engineering Pichia pastoris for whole cell biotransformationDI Mathias schittmayer: New Oxidoreductases for metabolite synthesisMag. Ulrike Schreiner: Molecular engineering of nitrilasesMSc Aleksandra Andyushkova (Fuchs): Establishing fission yeast as a host for eukaryotic genomic librariesDI Maria Freigassner: Alternative Oxidases: Elucidation of structural differences between plants and fungiMag. Brigitte Höller: New Oxidoreductases for BiocatalysisDI Sandra Abad: New strategies and tools for protein expression and engineering using Pichia pastorisDI Claudia Ruth: Expression of recombinant proteins in Pichia pastoris employing synthetic promotersDI Beate Pscheidt: Directed Evolution of PaHNL5DI Martina Geier: Redesign of Oxygenases for BiocatalysisDI Andreas Braun: Expression of human liver cytochrome P450 enzymes in the non conventional yeast Yarrowia lipolyticaDI Andrea Mellitzer: Expression and Engineering of eukaryotic enzymes for polymer modification using Pichia pastorisMSc Laura Hannele Naeaetsaari: Horseradish peroxidase discovery and production in a new improved Pichia pastoris expression systemMSc Aleksandra Mitrovic: Discovery and optimization of fungal lignocellulolytic enzymesDI Thomas Vogl: Synthetic biology to improve protein expression in Pichia pastorisFlorian Krainer: Production and characterization of recombinant plant peroxidasesAline Telzerow, Juraj Paris, Maria Håkansson, Javier González-Sabín, Nicolas Ríos-Lombardía, Harald Gröger, Francisco Morís, Martin Schürmann, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Expanding the Toolbox of R-Selective Amine Transaminases by Identification and Characterization of New MembersAnna Schwarz, Sebastian Hecko, Florian Rudroff, Jeffrey Kohrt, Roger Howard and Margit Winkler Cell-free in vitro reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes: with crude enzyme preparations to a key pharmaceutical building blockSebastian Arndt, Birgit Grill, Helmut Schwab, Georg Steinkellner, Dominik Weis, Urska Pogorevcnik, Alexander Nauth, Karl Gruber, Till Opatz, Kai Donsbach, Siegfried R. Waldvogel and Margit Winkler The sustainable synthesis of levetiracetam by an enzymatic dynamic kinetic resolution and an ex-cell anodic oxidationDouglas Weber, D. Patsch, Annikka Neumann, Margit Winkler and Dörte Rother Production of the Carboxylate Reductase from Nocardia otitidiscaviarum in a Soluble, Active Form for in vitro ApplicationsMichal Biler, Rory M Crean, Anna K Schweiger, Robert Kourist and Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin Ground-State Destabilization by Active-Site Hydrophobicity Controls the Selectivity of a Cofactor-Free DecarboxylasePatricia Gomez De Santos, Sofia Lazaro, Javier Vinã-Gonzalez, Manh Dat Hoang, Israel Sánchez-Moreno, Anton Glieder, Frank Hollmann and Miguel Alcalde Evolved Peroxygenase-Aryl Alcohol Oxidase Fusions for Self-Sufficient Oxyfunctionalization ReactionsLeen Assil-Companioni, Hanna C. Büchsenschütz, Dániel Solymosi, Nina G. Dyczmons-Nowaczyk, Kristin K.F. Bauer, Silvia Wallner, Peter MacHeroux, Yagut Allahverdiyeva, Marc M. Nowaczyk and Robert Kourist Engineering of NADPH Supply Boosts Photosynthesis-Driven BiotransformationsJulia Armbruster, Mathilde Steinmassl, Christina A. Müller Bogotá, Gabriele Berg, Bernd Nidetzky and Alexander Dennig P450JαSarah Waldie, Federica Sebastiani, Kathryn Browning, Selma Maric, Tania K. Lind, Nageshwar Yepuri, Tamim A. Darwish, Martine Moulin, Gernot Strohmeier, Harald Pichler, Maximilian W.A. Skoda, Armando Maestro, Michael Haertlein, V. Trevor Forsyth, Eva Bengtsson, Martin Malmsten and Marité Cárdenas Lipoprotein ability to exchange and remove lipids from model membranes as a function of fatty acid saturation and presence of cholesterolBianca Grabner, Anna Katharina Schweiger, Kristian Gavric, Robert Kourist and Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler A chemo-enzymatic tandem reaction in a mixture of deep eutectic solvent and water in continuous flowFlorian Busch, Florian Busch, Jan Brummund, Elia Calderini, Martin Schürmann and Robert Kourist Cofactor Generation Cascade for α-Ketoglutarate and Fe(II)-Dependent DioxygenasesMarkus Hobisch, Morten Martinus Cornelis Harald van Schie, Jinhyun Kim, Kasper Røjkjær Andersen, Miguel Alcalde, Robert Kourist, Chan Beum Park, Frank Hollmann and Selin Kara Solvent-Free Photobiocatalytic Hydroxylation of CyclohexaneNico D. Fessner, Matic Srdič, Hansjörg Weber, Christian Schmid, David Schönauer, Ulrich Schwaneberg and Anton Glieder Preparative-Scale Production of Testosterone Metabolites by Human Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzyme 3A4Birgit Wiltschi, Tomislav Cernava, Alexander Dennig, Meritxell Galindo, Martina Geier, Steffen Gruber, Marianne Haberbauer, Petra Heidinger, Enrique Herrero Acero, Regina Kratzer, Christiane Luley-Goedl, Christina A Müller, Julia Pitzer, Doris Ribitsch, Michael Sauer, Katharina Schmölzer, Wolfgang Schnitzhofer, Christoph W Sensen, Jung Soh, Kerstin Steiner, Christoph K Winkler, Margit Winkler and Tamara Wriessnegger Enzymes revolutionize the bioproduction of value-added compoundsWuyuan Zhang, Jeong Hoo Lee, Sabry H.H. Younes, Fabio Tonin, Peter Leon Hagedoorn, Harald Pichler, Yoonjin Baeg, Jin Byung Park, Robert Kourist and Frank Hollmann Photobiocatalytic synthesis of chiral secondary fatty alcohols from renewable unsaturated fatty acidsAbdulkadir Yayci, Álvaro Gómez Baraibar, Marco Krewing, Elena Fernandez Fueyo, Frank Hollmann, Miguel Alcalde, Robert Kourist and Julia E. Bandow Plasma-Driven in Situ Production of Hydrogen Peroxide for BiocatalysisThomas Vogl, Jasmin Elgin Fischer, Patrick Hyden, Richard Wasmayer, Lukas Sturmberger and Anton Glieder Orthologous promoters from related methylotrophic yeasts surpass expression of endogenous promoters of Pichia pastorisLu Shen, Martha Kohlhaas, Junichi Enoki, Roland Meier, Bernhard Schönenberger, Roland Wohlgemuth, Robert Kourist, Felix Niemeyer, David van Niekerk, Christopher Bräsen, Jochen Niemeyer, Jacky Snoep and Bettina Siebers A combined experimental and modelling approach for the Weimberg pathway optimisationIvana Drienovská, Dajana Kolanović, Andrea Chánique, Volker Sieber, Michael Hofer and Robert Kourist Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a two highly stereoselective borneol dehydrogenases from Salvia officinalis LSara Matić, Ivana Kekez, Marko Tomin, Ferenc Bogár, Filip Šupljika, Saša Kazazić, Maja Hanić, Shalinee Jha, Hrvoje Brkić, Benjamin Bourgeois, Tobias Madl, Karl Gruber, Peter Macheroux, Dubravka Matković-Čalogović, Mihaela Matovina and Sanja Tomić Binding of dipeptidyl peptidase III to the oxidative stress cell sensor Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 is a two-step processBirgit Grill, Maximilian Glänzer, Helmut Schwab, Steiner Kerstin, Daniel Pienaar, Dean Brady, Kai Donsbach and Margit Winkler Functional Expression and Characterization of a Panel of Cobalt and Iron-Dependent Nitrile HydratasesSandra Moser, Erich Leitner, Thomas J Plocek, Koenraad Vanhessche and Harald Pichler Engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production of (+)-ambreinYating Hu, Zhiwei Zhu, David Gradischnig, Margit Winkler, Jens Nielsen and Verena Siewers ENGINEERING CARBOXYLIC ACID REDUCTASE FOR SELECTIVE SYNTHESIS OF MEDIUM-CHAIN FATTY ALCOHOLS IN YEASTMelissa Horvat and Margit Winkler In vivo reduction of medium- to long-chain fatty acids by carboxylic acid reductase (CAR) enzymes: limitations and solutionsMihai-Silviu Tomescu, Deidre Davids, Matthew DuPlessis, Barbara Darnhofer, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Robert Archer, Daniel Schwendenwein, Gerhard Thallinger, Margit Winkler and Karl Rumbold High-throughput in-field bioprospecting for cyanogenic plants and hydroxynitrile lyasesMelissa Horvat, Tanja Saskia Larch, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Amino benzamidoxime (ABAO) based assay to identify efficient aldehyde-producing Pichia pastoris clonesFrederik B. Mortzfeld, Chiam Hashem, Kvetoslava Vranková, Margit Winkler and Florian Rudroff Pyrazines: Synthesis and Industrial Application of these Valuable Flavor and Fragrance CompoundsChiam Hashem, Holly Stolterfoht, Claudia Rinnofner, Stefan Steinberger, Margit Winkler and Harald Pichler Secretion of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Lipoxygenase by Pichia Pastoris upon Glycerol FeedKatharina N. Schwaiger, Alena Voit, Hana Dobiašová, Christiane Luley, Birgit Wiltschi and Bernd Nidetzky Plasmid Design for Tunable Two-Enzyme Co-Expression Promotes Whole-Cell Production of Cellobiose.Meritxell Galindo Casas, Patrick Stargardt, Juergen Mairhofer and Birgit Wiltschi Decoupling Protein Production from Cell Growth Enhances the Site-Specific Incorporation of Noncanonical Amino Acids in E. coli.Gernot Strohmeier, Anna Schwarz, Jennifer N. Andexer and Margit Winkler Co-factor demand and regeneration in the enzymatic one-step reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes in cell-free systemsAnna Katharina Schweiger, Nicolás Ríos-Lombardía, Christoph K. Winkler, Sandy Schmidt, Francisco Morís, Javier González-Sabín and Robert Kourist Using Deep Eutectic Solvents to Overcome Limited Substrate Solubility in the Enzymatic Decarboxylation of Bio-Based Phenolic AcidsFatma Feyza Özgen, Michael Ernst Runda, Bastien O Burek, Peter Wied, Jonathan Z Bloh, Robert Kourist and Sandy Schmidt Artificial light-harvesting complexes enable Rieske oxygenase-catalyzed hydroxylations in non-photosynthetic cellsFatma Özgen and Sandy Schmidt Rieske Non-Heme Iron Dioxygenases: Applications and Future PerspectivesEnzyme Catalysis: Perspectives on Basic Applied Premises57-82Mudassar Ahmad, Christine M. Winkler, Markus Kolmbauer, Harald Pichler, Helmut Schwab and Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin Pichia pastoris protease-deficient and auxotrophic strains generated by a novel, user-friendly vector toolbox for gene deletionMaria Nieves Martinez Marshall, Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Kristin L. Leskoske, Lydia H. Zhang, Biyun Li and Jeremy Thorner Analysis of the roles of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and individual subunits in assembly, localization, and function of Saccharomyces cerevisiae target of rapamycin complex 2Matthias Engleder, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Daniel Mink, Martin Schürmann, Erich Leitner, Harald Pichler and Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin Exploring castellaniella defragrans linalool (De)hydratase-isomerase for enzymatic hydration of alkenesHana Raschmanová, Iwo Zamora, Martina Borčinová, Patrick Meier, Astrid Weninger, Dominik Mächler, Anton Glieder, Karel Melzoch, Zdeněk Knejzlík and Karin Kovar Single-cell approach to monitor the unfolded protein response during biotechnological processes with Pichia pastorisAline Telzerow, Markus Hobisch, Monika Müller, Martin Schürmann, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner A co-expression system to shift the equilibrium of transamination reactions toward the synthesis of enantiomerically pure aminesOctavia Natascha Kracht, Raquel S. Correia Cordeiro, Maria Håkansson, Julia Stockmann, Dennis Sander, Julia Bandow, Christoph H.R. Senges, Derek T. Logan and Robert Kourist Discovery of three novel sesquiterpene synthases from Streptomyces chartreusis NRRL 3882 and crystal structure of an α-eudesmol synthaseJunichi Enoki, Carolin Mügge, Dirk Tischler, Kenji Miyamoto and Robert Kourist Chemoenzymatic Cascade Synthesis of Optically Pure Alkanoic Acids by Using Engineered Arylmalonate Decarboxylase VariantsMichael Lukesch, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Karl Gruber, Klaus Zangger and Birgit Wiltschi Substituting the catalytic proline of 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase with non-canonical analogues reveals a finely tuned catalytic systemJuraj Paris, Aline Telzerow, Nicolás Ríos-Lombardía, Kerstin Steiner, Helmut Schwab, Francisco Morís, Harald Gröger and Javier González-Sabín Enantioselective One-Pot Synthesis of Biaryl-Substituted Amines by Combining Palladium and Enzyme Catalysis in Deep Eutectic SolventsJunichi Enoki, Max Linhorst, Florian Busch, Álvaro Gomez Baraibar, Kenji Miyamoto, Robert Kourist and Carolin Mügge Preparation of optically pure flurbiprofen via an integrated chemo-enzymatic synthesis pathwayRaquel S. Correia Cordeiro, Nicolás Ríos-Lombardía, Francisco Morís, Robert Kourist and Javier González-Sabín One-Pot Transformation of Ketoximes into Optically Active Alcohols and Amines by Sequential Action of Laccases and Ketoreductases or ω-TransaminasesAline Telzerow, Juraj Paris, Maria Håkansson, Javier González-Sabín, Nicolás Ríos-Lombardía, Martin Schürmann, Harald Gröger, Francisco Morís, Robert Kourist, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Amine Transaminase from Exophiala Xenobiotica - Crystal Structure and Engineering of a Fold IV Transaminase that Naturally Converts Biaryl KetonesAnita Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Tamara Wriessnegger, Melanie Hirz, Günther Zellnig and Harald Pichler Membrane protein production in yeast: Modification of yeast membranes for human membrane protein productionRecombinant Protein Production in Yeast: Methods and ProtocolsHanna C. Buechsenschuetz, Viktorija Vidimce-Risteski, Bettina Eggbauer, Sandy Schmidt, Christoph K. Winkler, Joerg H. Schrittwieser, Wolfgang Kroutil and Robert Kourist Stereoselective Biotransformations of Cyclic Imines in Recombinant Cells of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803Wuyuan Zhang, Elena Fernández-Fueyo, Frank Hollmann, Laura Leemans Martin, Milja Pesic, Rainer Wardenga, Matthias Höhne and S Schmidt Combining Photo-Organo Redox- and Enzyme Catalysis Facilitates Asymmetric C-H Bond FunctionalizationClaudia Rinnofner, Bianca Kerschbaumer, Hansjörg Weber, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Cytochrome P450 mediated hydroxylation of ibuprofen using Pichia pastoris as biocatalystMaximilian J.L.J. Fürst, Bianca Kerschbaumer, Claudia Rinnofner, Anna Katharina Migglautsch, Margit Winkler and Marco W Fraaije Exploring the Biocatalytic Potential of a Self‐Sufficient Cytochrome P450 from Thermothelomyces thermophilaJasmin Elgin Fischer, Anna-Maria Hatzl, Astrid Weninger, Christian Schmid and Anton Glieder Methanol Independent Expression by Pichia Pastoris Employing De-repression TechnologiesGernot Strohmeier, Inge Eiteljörg, Anna Schwarz and Margit Winkler Enzymatic One-Step Reduction of Carboxylates to Aldehydes with Cell-Free Regeneration of ATP and NADPHAnna K. Ressmann, Daniel Schwendenwein, Simon Leonhartsberger, Marko D. Mihovilovic, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Margit Winkler and Florian Rudroff Substrate-Independent High-Throughput Assay for the Quantification of AldehydesMelissa Horvat, Susanne Fritsche, Robert Kourist and Margit Winkler Characterization of Type IV Carboxylate Reductases (CARs) for Whole Cell-Mediated Preparation of 3-HydroxytyrosolLeen Assil Companioni, Sandy Schmidt, Petra Heidinger, Helmut Schwab and Robert Kourist Hydrogen-driven cofactor regeneration for stereoselective whole-cell C=C bond reduction in Cupriavidus necatorDaniel Schwendenwein, Anna K. Ressmann, Mark Dörr, Matthias Höhne, Marko D. Mihovilovic, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Random Mutagenesis-Driven Improvement of Carboxylate Reductase Activity Using an Amino Benzamidoxime-Mediated High-Throughput AssayMelissa Horvat, Giuseppe Fiume, Susanne Fritsche and Margit Winkler Discovery of carboxylic acid reductase (CAR) from Thermothelomyces thermophilus and its evaluation for vanillin synthesisJonathan Guyang Ling, Muhamad Hawari Mansor, Munir Abdul Murad, Rozida Mohd. Khalid, Doris Huai-Xia Quay, Margit Winkler and Farah Diba Abu Bakar A functionally-distinct carboxylic acid reductase (PcCAR4) unearthed from a repertoire of type IV CARs in the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinusSarah Waldie, Tania K Lind, Kathryn Browning, Martine Mouline, Michael Haertlein, Trevor Forsyth, Alessandra Luchini, Gernot Strohmeier, Harald Pichler, Selma Maric and Marité Cárdenas Localization of Cholesterol within Supported Lipid Bilayers Made of a Natural Extract of Tailor-Deuterated PhosphatidylcholineMatthias Engleder, Melissa Horvat, Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Tamara Wriessnegger, Stefanie Gabriel, Gernot Strohmeier, Hansjörg Weber, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Daniel Mink, Martin Schürmann and Harald Pichler Recombinant expression, purification and biochemical characterization of kievitone hydratase from Nectria haematococcaMartine Moulin, Gernot Strohmeier, Melanie Hirz, Katherine Thompson, Adrian Rennie, Richard A Campbell, Harald Pichler, Selma Maric, Trevor Forsyth and Michael Haertlein Perdeuteration of cholesterol for neutron scattering applicatioins using recombinant Pichia pastorisHolly Stolterfoht, Georg Steinkellner, Daniel Schwendenwein, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Karl Gruber and Margit Winkler Identification of key residues for enzymatic carboxylate reductionHarald Pichler and Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin Modification of Membrane Lipid Compositions in single-celled organisms–from Basics to ApplicationsAlessandra Luchini, Robin Delhom, Bruno Demé, Valérie Laux, Martine Mouline, Michael Haertlein, Harald Pichler, Gernot Strohmeier, Hanna Wacklin and Giovanna Fragneto The Impact of Deuteration on Natural and Synthetic Lipids: a Neutron Diffraction StudySandy Schmidt, Mark Dörr and Uwe T. Bornscheuer Library growth and protein expressionMethods in Molecular Biology145-156JiaJia Dong, Elena Fernández-Fueyo, Frank Hollmann, Caroline Paul, Milja Pasic, Sandy Schmidt, Yonghua Wang, Sabry Younes and Wuyuan Zhang Biocatalytic oxidation reactions - a Chemist\'s perspectiveRobert Kourist, Anna Schweiger and Hanna Büchsenschütz Enzymatic Decarboxylation as a Tool for the Enzymatic Defunctionalization of Hydrophobic Bio-based Organic AcidsLipid Modification by Enzymes and Engineered Microbes89-118Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Neven Ukrainczyk, Eddie Koenders, Guenther Koraimann, Sabine Kienesberger and Martin Dietzel MICROBIAL INDUCED ACID CORROSION FROM A FIELD PERSPECTIVE – ADVANCES IN PROCESS UNDERSTANDING AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL DEVELOPMENTProceedings of final conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI3-10Sandra Moser, Gernot Strohmeier, Erich Leitner, Thomas J Plocek, Koenraad Vanhessche and Harald Pichler Whole-cell (+)-ambrein production in the yeast Pichia pastorisAnna Katharina Migglautsch, Melissa Willim, Bettina Schweda, Anton Glieder, Rolf Breinbauer and Margit Winkler Aliphatic hydroxylation and epoxidation of capsaicin by Cytochrome P450 CYP505XYan Liu, Rong Gong, Xiaoqin Liu, Peichao Zhang, Qi Zhang, You-Sheng Cai, Zixin Deng, Margit Winkler, Jianguo Wu and Wenqing Chen Discovery and characterization of the tubercidin biosynthetic pathway from Streptomyces tubercidicus NBRC 13090Filippo Fiorentini, Anna-Maria Hatzl, S Schmidt, Simone Savino, Anton Glieder and Andrea Mattevi The Extreme Structural Plasticity in the CYP153 Subfamily of P450s Directs Development of Designer HydroxylasesIker Irisarri, Pooja Singh, Stephan Koblmüller, Julián Torres-Dowdall, Frederico Henning, Paolo Franchini, Christoph Fischer, Alan R Lemmon, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Gerhard G Thallinger, Christian Sturmbauer and Axel Meyer Phylogenomics uncovers early hybridization and adaptive loci shaping the radiation of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishesRaquel S. Correia Cordeiro, Junichi Enoki, Florian Busch, Carolin Mügge and Robert Kourist Cloning and characterization of a new delta-specific L-leucine dioxygenase from Anabaena variabilisKarim Aljakouch, Tatjana Lechtonen, Hesham K. Yosef, Mohamad K. Hammoud, Wissam Alsaidi, Carsten Kötting, Carolin Mügge, Robert Kourist, Samir F. El-Mashtoly and Klaus Gerwert Raman Microspectroscopic Evidence for the Metabolism of a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Neratinib, in Cancer CellsKristin L. Leskoske, Françoise M. Roelants, Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Christoph M. Augustin, Edward P. Si, Jennifer M. Hill and Jeremy Thorner Phosphorylation by the stress-activated MAPK Slt2 down-regulates the yeast TOR complex 2Joseph Hosford, Morgane Valles, Florian W. Krainer, Anton Glieder and Lu Shin Wong Parallelized biocatalytic scanning probe lithography for the additive fabrication of conjugated polymer structuresCarolin Mügge and Robert Kourist Practical considerations regarding the choice of the best high-throughput assayMethods in Molecular Biology189-208Elisa Lanfranchi, Birgit Grill, Zainab Raghoebar, Sander Van Pelt, Roger A Sheldon, Kerstin Steiner, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Production of Hydroxynitrile Lyase from Davallia tyermannii (DtHNL) in Komagataella phaffii and Its Immobilization as a CLEA to Generate a Robust BiocatalystSamiro Bojarra, Dennis Reichert, Marius Grote, Álvaro Gómez Baraibar, Alexander Dennig, Bernd Nidetzky, Carolin Mügge and Robert Kourist Bio-based α,ω functionalized hydrocarbons from multi-step reaction sequences with bio- and metallo-catalysts based on the fatty acid decarboxylase OleTJEThomas Vogl, Thomas Kickenweiz, Julia Pitzer, Lukas Sturmberger, Astrid Weninger, Bradley W Biggs, Eva-Maria Köhler, Armin Baumschlager, Jasmin Elgin Fischer, Patrick Hyden, Marlies Wagner, Martina Baumann, Nicole Borth, Martina Geier, Parayil Kumaran Ajikumar and Anton Glieder Engineered bidirectional promoters enable rapid multi-gene co-expression optimizationThomas Kickenweiz, Anton Glieder and Jin Chuan Wu Construction of a cellulose-metabolizing Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris) by co-expressing glucanases and β-glucosidaseF. Geigl, C. Moik, Stefan Hinteregger and M. Goller Using Machine Learning and RFID Localization for Advanced Logistic Applications2017 IEEE Int. Conf. RFID73-74Alexander J A Deutsch, Beate Rinner, Martin Pichler, Katharina Prochazka, Katrin Pansy, Marco Bischof, Karoline Fechter, Stefan Hatzl, Julia Feichtinger, Kerstin Wenzl, Marie-Therese Frisch, Verena Stiegelbauer, Andreas Prokesch, Anne Krogsdam, Heinz Sill, Gerhard G Thallinger, Hildegard T Greinix, Chenguang Wang, Christine Beham-Schmid and Peter Neumeister NR4A3 Suppresses Lymphomagenesis through Induction of Proapoptotic GenesVicente Planells-Palop, Ali Hazazi, Julia Feichtinger, Jana Jezkova, Gerhard Thallinger, Naif O Alsiwiehri, Mikhlid Almutairi, Lee Parry, Jane A Wakeman and Ramsay J McFarlane Human germ/stem cell-specific gene TEX19 influences cancer cell proliferation and cancer prognosisOctavia N. Kracht, Ann-Christin Ammann, Julia Stockmann, D Wibberg, J Kalinowski, M Piotrowski, R Kerr, T. B. Brück and R. Kourist Transcriptome Profiling of the Australian arid-land Plant Eremophila serrulata for the Identification of Monoterpene synthasesUwe T. Bornscheuer and Robert Kourist Evolving Enzymes for BiocatalysisConsequences of Microbial Interactions with Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids: Production of Fuels and Chemicals1-17Holly Stolterfoht, Daniel Schwendenwein, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Four distinct types of E.C. enzymes can catalyze the reduction of carboxylic acids to aldehydesTea Pavkov-Keller, Kerstin Steiner, Mario Faber, Martin Tengg, Helmut Schwab, Mandana Gruber-Khadjawi and Karl Gruber Crystal Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of CouO, a Versatile C-Methyltransferase from Streptomyces rishiriensisElisa Lanfranchi, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Eva-Maria Koehler, Matthias Diepold, Kerstin Steiner, Barbara Darnhofer, Jürgen Hartler, Tom Van Den Bergh, Henk-Jan Joosten, Mandana Gruber-Khadjawi, Gerhard G Thallinger, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Karl Gruber, Margit Winkler and Anton Glieder Enzyme discovery beyond homologyThomas Bayer, Thomas Wiesinger, Sofia Milker, Margit Winkler, Marko D. Mihovilovic and Florian Rudroff IN VIVO SYNTHESIS OF POLYHYDROXYLATED COMPOUNDS FROM A ‘HIDDEN RESERVOIR’ OF TOXIC ALDEHYDE SPECIESSandy Schmidt, Kathrin Castiglione and Robert Kourist Overcoming the incompatibility challenge in chemo-enzymatic and multi-catalytic cascade reactions.Stefanie Böhmer, Katharina Köninger, Alvaro Gomez-Baraibar, Samiro Bojarra, Carolin Mügge, Sandy Schmidt, Marc Nowaczyk and Robert Kourist Enzymatic Oxyfunctionalization Driven by Photosynthetic Water-Splitting in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803Severin Wedde, Philipp Rommelmann, Christian Scherkus, Sandy Schmidt, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Andreas Liese and Harald Gröger An alternative approach towards poly-epsilon-caprolactone through a chemoenzymatic synthesis: combined hydrogenation, bio-oxidations and polymerization without the isolation of intermediatesMarine Rauch, Sandy Schmidt, Isabel W. C. E. Arends, Kerstin Oppelt, Selin Kara and Frank Hollmann Photobiocatalytic alcohol oxidation using LED light sourcesSandy Schmidt, Tiago Pedroso de Almeida, Dörte Rother and Frank Hollmann Towards environmentally acceptable synthesis of chiral alpha-hydroxy ketones via oxidase-lyase cascadesAnna Reimer, Severin Wedde, Svenja Staudt, Sandy Schmidt, Diana Höffer, Werner Hummel, Udo Kragl, Uwe T. Bornscheuer and Harald Gröger Process Development through Solvent Engineering in the Biocatalytic Synthesis of the Heterocyclic Bulk Chemical ε-CaprolactoneNina G. Schmidt, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Nina Richter, Birgit Wiltschi, Karl Gruber and Wolfgang Kroutil Biocatalytic Friedel-Crafts Acylation and Fries Reaction.Peter Ulz, Michael R. Speicher and Gerhard Thallinger Reconstruction of mitochondrial genotypes from diverse next generation sequencing datasetsProceedings of the 10th International joint conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologiesin pressRobert Kourist and Carolin Mügge Practical Considerions Regarding the Choice of High-Throughput-AssaysProtein Engineering- Methods and Protocols189-208Robert Kourist and Uwe T. Bornscheuer BiocatalysisApplied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic CompoundsRui M C Portela, Thomas Vogl, Katharina Ebner, Rui Oliveira and Anton Glieder Pichia pastoris Alcohol Oxidase 1 (AOX1) Core Promoter Engineering by High Resolution Systematic MutagenesisAstrid Weninger, Jasmin Fischer, Hana Raschmanová, Claudia Kniely, Thomas Vogl and Anton Glieder Expanding the CRISPR/Cas9 toolkit for Pichia pastoris with efficient donor integration and alternative resistance markersKristína Markošová, Andrea Camattari, Michal Rosenberg, Anton Glieder, Nicholas J Turner and Martin Rebroš Cloning and upscale production of monoamine oxidase N (MAO-N D5) by Pichia pastorisRui M C Portela, Thomas Vogl, Claudia Kniely, Jasmin E Fischer, Rui Oliveira and Anton Glieder Synthetic Core Promoters as Universal Parts for Fine-Tuning Expression in Different Yeast SpeciesElisa Lanfranchi, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Eva-Maria Koehler, Matthias Diepold, Kerstin Steiner, Barbara Darnhofer, Jürgen Hartler, Tom Van Den Bergh, Henk-Jan Joosten, Mandana Gruber-Khadjawi, Gerhard G Thallinger, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Karl Gruber, Margit Winkler and Anton Glieder ErratumTea Pavkov-Keller, Gernot Strohmeier, Matthias Diepold, Wilco Peeters, Natascha Smeets, Martin Schürmann, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Discovery and structural characterisation of new fold type IV-transaminases exemplify the diversity of this enzyme foldBastian Daniel, Silvia Wallner, Barbara Steiner, Gustav Oberdorfer, Prashant Kumar, Eric van der Graaff, Thomas Roitsch, Christoph W Sensen, Karl Gruber and Peter Macheroux Structure of a Berberine Bridge Enzyme-Like Enzyme with an Active Site Specific to the Plant Family BrassicaceaePatrick Hyden, Ariane Pietzka, Anna Lennkh, Andrea Murer, Burkhard Springer, Marion Blaschitz, Alexander Indra, Steliana Huhulescu, Franz Allerberger, Werner Ruppitsch and Christoph W Sensen Whole genome sequence-based serogrouping of Listeria monocytogenes isolatesS. K. Gaßmeyer, J Wetzig, C Mügge, M Assmann, J Enoki, L Hilterhaus, R Zuhse, K Miyamoto, A Liese and R Kourist Arylmalonate decarboxylase-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of both enantiomers of optically pure flurbiprofenS L Wilson, C Li, E Ramos-Padrón, C Nesbø, J Soh, C W Sensen, G Voordouw, J Foght and L M Gieg Oil sands tailings ponds harbour a small core prokaryotic microbiome and diverse accessory communitiesF Busch, N. Hülsemann, J Enoki, K Miyamoto, M Bocola and R Kourist Semiempirical QM/MM calculations reveal a step-wise proton transfer and an unusual thiolate pocket in the mechanism of the racemizing mutant G74C of arylmalonate decarboxylaseVeronika Perz, Altijana Hromic, Georg Steinkellner, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Karl Gruber, Klaus Bleymaier, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Armin Zankel, Claudia Mayrhofer, Carsten Sinkel, Ulf Kueper, Katharina Schlegel, Doris Ribitsch and Georg M. Guebitz An Esterase from Anaerobic Clostridium hathewayi Can Hydrolyze Aliphatic−Aromatic PolyestersBernd Nidetzky and Christoph W Sensen Special Issue on acib, Dedicated to the Occasion of Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwab\'s 65th BirthdayMarc Nowaczyk and Robert Kourist Lichtgetriebene Ganzzellbiotransformation mit rekombinanten CyanobakterienLinda Lee, Ye Zhang, Brittany Ozar, Christoph W Sensen and David C Schriemer Carnivorous Nutrition in Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes spp.) via an Unusual Complement of Endogenous EnzymesMargit Winkler and Christoph K. Winkler TRAMETES VERSICOLOR CARBOXYLATE REDUCTASE UNCOVEREDMartial Rey, Menglin Yang, Linda Lee, Ye Zhang, Joey G Sheff, Christoph W Sensen, Hynek Mrazek, Petr Halada, Petr Man, Justin L McCarville, Elena F Verdu and David C Schriemer Addressing proteolytic efficiency in enzymatic degradation therapy for celiac diseaseKatrin Weinhandl, Melanie Ballach, Margit Winkler, Ahmad Mudassar, Anton Glieder, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Ian Fotheringham and Franck Escalettes Pichia pastoris mutants as host strains for efficient secretion of recombinant Branched Chain Aminotransferase (BCAT)Daniel Schwendenwein, Giuseppe Fiume, Hansjörg Weber, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Selective Enzymatic Transformation to Aldehydes in vivo by Fungal Carboxylate Reductase from Neurospora crassaPatrick Hyden, Ariane Pietzka, Franz Allerberger, Burkhard Springer, Christoph Sensen and Werner Ruppitsch Draft Genome Sequence of a 94-Year-Old Listeria monocytogenes Isolate, SLCC208Zalina Magomedova, Andreea Grecu, Christoph W Sensen, Helmut Schwab and Petra Heidinger Characterization of two novel alcohol short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases from Ralstonia eutropha H16 capable of stereoselective conversion of bulky substratesTamara Wriessnegger, Sandra Moser, Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Erich Leitner, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Martin Schürmann, Mink Daniel and Harald Pichler Enhancing cytochrome P450-mediated conversions in P. pastoris through RAD52 over-expression and optimizing the cultivation conditionsHarald Pichler Oleate hydratase - structure function relationships and applicationPower of microbes in industry and environment33Ryan C Smith, Jonas G King, Dingyin Tao, Oana A Zeleznik, Clara Brando, Gerhard G Thallinger and Rhoel R Dinglasan Molecular profiling of phagocytic immune cells in Anopheles gambiae reveals integral roles for hemocytes in mosquito innate immunityPeter Ulz, Gerhard G Thallinger, Martina Auer, Ricarda Graf, Karl Kashofer, Stephan W Jahn, Luca Abete, Gunda Pristauz, Edgar Petru, Jochen B Geigl, Ellen Heitzer and Michael R Speicher Inferring expressed genes by whole-genome sequencing of plasma DNAMinoska Valli, Nadine E Tatto, Armin Peymann, Clemens Gruber, Nils Landes, Heinz Ekker, Gerhard G Thallinger, Diethard Mattanovich, Brigitte Gasser and Alexandra B Graf Curation of the genome annotation of Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) CBS7435 from gene level to protein functionMarcia Ferreira Antunes, Fabian K. Eggimann, Matthias Kittelmann, Stephan Lütz, Steven P. Hanlon, Beat Wirz, Thorsten Bachler and Margit Winkler Human xanthine oxidase recombinant in E. coli: A whole cell catalyst for preparative drug metabolite synthesisRobert Krause, Bettina Halwachs, Gerhard Thallinger, Ingeborg Klymiuk, Gregor Gorkiewicz, Martin Hoenigl, Jürgen Prattes, Thomas Valentin, Katharina Heidrich, Walter Buzina, Helmut J F Salzer, Jasmin Rabensteiner, Florian Prüller, Reinhard B Raggam, Andreas Meinitzer, Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Christoph Högenauer, Franz Quehenberger, Karl Kashofer and Ines Zollner-Schwetz Characterisation of Candida within the Mycobiome/Microbiome of the Lower Respiratory Tract of ICU PatientsNatalia Gomez-Escobar, Nasser Almobadel, Othman Alzahrani, Julia Feichtinger, Vicente Planells-Palop, Zafer Alshehri, Gerhard G Thallinger, Jane A Wakeman and Ramsay J McFarlane Translin and Trax differentially regulate telomere-associated transcript homeostasisAnita Emmerstorfer, Sandra Moser and Harald Pichler Screening for improved isoprenoid biosynthesis in microorganismsJulia Feichtinger, Inmaculada Hernández, Christoph Fischer, Michael Hanscho, Norbert Auer, Matthias Hackl, Vaibhav Jadhav, Martina Baumann, Peter M Krempl, Christian Schmidl, Matthias Farlik, Michael Schuster, Angelika Merkel, Andreas Sommer, Simon Heath, Daniel Rico, Christoph Bock, Gerhard G Thallinger and Nicole Borth Comprehensive genome and epigenome characterization of CHO cells in response to evolutionary pressures and over timeChen Meng, Oana Alina Zeleznik, Gerhard G Thallinger, Bernhard Küster, Amin M Gholami and Aedín C Culhane Dimension reduction techniques for the integrative analysis of multi-omics dataThomas Vogl, Lukas Sturmberger, Thomas Kickenweiz, Richard Wasmayer, Christian Schmid, Anna-Maria Hatzl, Michaela Agnes Gerstmann, Julia Pitzer, Marlies Wagner, Gerhard G Thallinger, Martina Geier and Anton Glieder A Toolbox of Diverse Promoters Related to Methanol UtilizationMartin Tengg, Harald Stecher, Lisa Offner, Katharina Plasch, Felix Anderl, Hansjörg Weber, Helmut Schwab and Mandana Gruber MethyltransferasesChristian Scherkus, Sandy Schmidt, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Harald Gröger, Selin Kara and Andreas Liese A Fed-Batch Synthetic Strategy for a Three-Step Enzymatic Synthesis of Poly-ϵ-caprolactoneFilippo Fiorentini, Martina Geier, Claudia Binda, Margit Winkler, Kurt Faber, Mélanie Hall and Andrea Matteiv Biocatalytic Characterization of Human FMO5: Unearthing Baeyer-Villiger Reactions in HumansFlorian W. Krainer, Michaela A. Gerstmann, Barbara Darnhofer, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger and Anton Glieder Biotechnological advances towards an enhanced peroxidase production in Pichia pastorisAstrid Weninger, Anna-Maria Hatzl, Christian Schmid, Thomas Vogl and Anton Glieder Combinatorial optimization of CRISPR/Cas9 expression enables precision genome engineering in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastorisLukas Sturmberger, Paal W Wallace, Anton Glieder and Ruth Birner-Gruenberger Synergism of proteomics and mRNA sequencing for enzyme discoveryEduardo Busto, Michaela Gerstmann, Felix Tobola, Edmund Dittmann, Birgit Wiltschi and Wolfgang Kroutil Systems biocatalysis: para-alkenylation of unprotected phenolsFlorian Krainer, Barbara Darnhofer, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger and Anton Glieder Recombinant production of a peroxidase-protein G fusion protein in Pichia pastorisAnita Emmerstorfer and Harald Pichler Production of aromatic plant terpenoids in recombinant baker´s yeastBiotechnology of Plant Secondary Metabolism79-89Katrin Niegelhell, Michael Süßenbacher, Thomas Ganner, Daniel Schwendenwein, Helmut Schwab, Franz Stelzer, Harald Plank and Stefan. Spirk Enzymes as Biodevelopers for Nano- And Micropatterned Bicomponent Biopolymer Thin Films.Ryan A. Groves, Jillian M. Hagel, Ye Zhang, Kilpatrick Korey, Levy Asaf, Marsolais Frederic, Lewinsohn Efraim, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen and Peter J. Facchini Transcriptome Profiling of Khat (Catha edulis) and Ephedra sinica Reveals Gene Candidates Potentially Involved in Amphetamine-Type Alkaloid Biosynthesis.Julia Pitzer, Bob Van Hove, Aaron M. Love, Parayil Kumaran Ajikumar, Marjan De Mey and Anton Glieder Novel DNA and RNA elementsSynthetic Biology65-99Florian Krainer, Simona Capone, Martin Jäger, Thomas Vogl, Michaela Agnes Gerstmann, Anton Glieder, Christoph Herwig and Oliver Spadiut Optimizing cofactor availability for the production of recombinant heme peroxidase in Pichia pastoris.Matthias Engleder, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Anita Emmerstorfer, Hromic Altijana, Sabine Schrempf, Georg Steinkellner, Tamara Wriessnegger, Erich Leitner, Gernot Strohmeier, Iwona Kaluzna, Mink Daniel, Schürmann Martin, Silvia Wallner, Peter Macheroux, Karl Gruber and Harald Pichler Structure-based mechanism of oleate hydratase from Elizabethkingia meningosepticaM. Bartsch, S.K. Gaßmeyer, K. Igarashi, M. Miyamoto, M. Rögner, M. Nowaczyc and R. Kourist Expression of enantioselective enzymes in cyanobacteriaRobert Kourist A New Class of Enzymes Discovered: A Non-Heme Oxidase Produces Medium-Chain 1-AlkenesThorsten Masuch, Anna Kusnezowa, Sebastian Nilewski, José T Bautista, Robert Kourist and Lars I Leichert A combined bioinformatics and functional metagenomics approach to discovering lipolytic biocatalystsArmin Erlacher, Tomislav Cernava, Massimiliano Cardinale, Jung Soh, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Martin Grube and Gabriele Berg Rhizobiales as functional and endosymbiontic members in the lichen symbiosis of Lobaria pulmonaria L.Ioannis Zachos, Sarah Katharina Gaßmeyer, Daniel Bauer, Volker Sieber, Frank Hollmann and Robert Kourist Photobiocatalytic decarboxylation for olefin synthesisShosuke Yoshida, Junichi Enoki, Robert Kourist and Kenji Miyamoto Engineered hydrophobic pocket of (S)-selective arylmalonate decarboxylase variant by simultaneous saturation mutagenesis to improve catalytic performanceMA Pribasnig, I Mrak, GF Grabner, U Taschler, O Knittelfelder, B Scherz, T. Eichmann, C Heier, L Grumet, J Kowaliuk, M Romauch, S Holler, F Anderl and R Zimmermann α/β Hydrolase Domain-Containing 6 (ABHD6) Degrades the Late Endosomal/Lysosomal Lipid Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphateAtsuko Ikeda, Tetsuya Muneoka, Suguru Murakami, Ayaka Hirota, Yukari Yabuki, Takefumi Karashima, Kota Nakazono, Masahiro Tsuruno, Harald Pichler, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Yukiko Kodama, Toshi Shimamoto, Keiko Mizuta and Kouichi Funato Sphingolipids regulate telomere clustering by affecting transcriptional levels of genes involved in telomere homeostasisBastian Daniel, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Barbara Steiner, Angela Dodic, Alexander Gutmann, Bernd Nidetzky, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Eric van der Graaff, Silvia Wallner, Karl Gruber and Peter Macheroux Oxidation of monolignols by members of the berberine bridge enzyme family suggests a role in plant cell wall metabolismThomas Eichmann, Lukas Grumet, Ulrike Taschler, Jürgen Hartler, Christoph Heier, Aaron Woblistin, Laura Pajed, Manfred Kollroser, Gerald Rechberger, Gerhard G. Thallinger, Rudolf Zechner, Guenter Haemmerle, Robert Zimmermann and Achim Lass ATGL and CGI-58 are lipid droplet proteins of the hepatic stellate cell line HSC-T6Thomas Vogl, Mudassar Ahmad, Florian Krainer, Helmut Schwab and Anton Glieder Restriction site free cloning (RSFC) plasmid family for seamless, sequence independent cloning in Pichia pastorisMartina Geier, Thorsten Bachler, Steven P Hanlon, Fabian K Eggimann, Matthias Kittelmann, Hansjörg Weber, Stephan Lütz, Beat Wirz and Margit Winkler Human FMO2-based microbial whole-cell catalysts for drug metabolite synthesisFlorian Krainer and Anton Glieder An updated view on horseradish peroxidases: recombinant production and biotechnological applications.UM Tran, U. Rajarajacholan, Jung Soh, TS Kim, S. Thalappilly, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen and Karl Riabowol LincRNA-p21 acts as a mediator of ING1b-induced apoptosisMargit Winkler, Katharina Dokulil, Hansjörg Weber, Tea Pavkov-Keller and Birgit Wilding The Nitrile forming Enzyme 7-Cyano-7-deazaguanine Synthase from Geobacillus kaustophilus: A reverse Nitrilase?Kerstin Steiner, Anton Glieder and Mandana Gruber Cyanohydrin Formation / Henry ReactionSience of Synthesis1-5Martina Geier, Pia Carina Fauland, Thomas Vogl and Anton Glieder Compact multi-enzyme pathways in P. pastorisJillian M. Hagel, Jeremy S. Morris, Eun-Jeong Lee, Isabel Desgagne-Penix, Crystal D. Bross, Limei Chang, Xue Chen, Scott C. Farrow, Ye Zhang, Jung Soh, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen and Peter J. Facchini Transcriptome analysis of 20 taxonomically related benzylisoquinoline alkaloid-producing plants.Sandy Schmidt, Christian Scherkus, Jan Muschiol, Ulf Menyes, Till Winkler, Werner Hummel, Harald Gröger, Andreas Liese, Hans Georg Herz and Uwe T. Bornscheuer Eine Enzymkaskade zur Synthese von ε-Caprolacton und dessen OligomerenRomana Wiedner, Bettina Kothbauer, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Mandana Gruber, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Improving the Properties of Bacterial R-selective Hydroxynitrile Lyases for Industrial ApplicationsKatharina Schmoelzer, Tibor Czabany, Christiane Luley, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Doris Ribitsch, Helmut Schwab, Karl Gruber, Hansjörg Weber and Bernd Nidetzky Complete switch from α-2,3- to α-2,6-regioselectivity in Pasteurella dagmatis β-D-galactoside sialyltransferase by active-site redesignElisa Lanfranchi, Eva-Maria Köhler, Barbara Darnhofer, Kerstin Steiner, Ruth Birner-Grünberger, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Bioprospecting for Hydroxynitrile Lyases by Blue Native PAGE Coupled HCN DetectionMartina Geier, Christoph Brandner, Gernot A Strohmeier, Mélanie Hall, Franz Stefan Hartner and Anton Glieder Engineering Pichia pastoris for improved NADH regenerationAstrid Weninger, Anton Glieder and Thomas Vogl A toolbox of endogenous and heterologous nuclear localization sequences for the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastorisMagali Tanghe, Barbara Danneels, Andrea Camattari, Anton Glieder, Isabel Vandenberghe, Bart Devreese, Ingeborg Stals and Tom Desmet Recombinant Expression of Trichoderma reesei Cel61A in Pichia pastorisPetra Köfinger, Steffen Gruber and Helmut Schwab Versatile plasmid-based expression systems for Gram-negative bacteria-General essentials exemplified with the bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16.Man-Ling Wong, Dongshan An, Sean Caffrey, Jung Soh, Xiaoli Dong, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Thomas Oldenburg, Stephen R. Larter and Gerrit Voordouw Roles of Thermophiles and Fungi in Bitumen Degradation in Mostly Cold Oil Sands OutcropsB. Tan, Jane Fowler, N.A. Laban, Xiaoli Dong, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Julia Foght and Lisa M. Gieg Comparative analysis of metagenomes from three methanogenic hydrocarbon-degrading enrichment cultures with 41 environmental samples.Corinna Odar, Margit Winkler and Birgit Wiltschi Fluoro amino acids: A rarity in nature, yet a prospect for protein engineeringIvan Hajnal, Kurt Faber, Helmut Schwab, Melanie Hall and Kerstin Steiner Oxidative Alkene Cleavage Catalysed by Manganese-Dependent Cupin TM1459 from Thermotoga maritimaAnita Emmerstorfer, Miriam Wimmer-Teubenbacher, Tamara Wriessnegger, Erich Leitner, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Martin Schürmann, Daniel Mink, Günther Zellnig, Helmut Schwab and Harald Pichler Over-expression of ICE2 stabilizes cytochrome P450 reductase levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastorisDoris Ribitsch, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Peter Andreas Augustin, Katharina Schmoelzer, Christiane Luley, Marco Thomann, Christine Jung, Harald Sobek, Rainer Müller, Bernd Nidetzky and Helmut Schwab High-quality production of human α-2,6-sialyltransferase in Pichia pastoris requires control over N-terminal truncations by host-inherent protease activitiesBarbara Petschacher, Nicole Staunig, Monika Mueller, Martin Schuermann, Daniel Mink, Stefaan Wildemann, Karl Gruber and Anton Glieder Cofactor Specificity Engineering of Streptococcus mutans NADH Oxidase 2 for NAD (P)+ Regeneration in Biocatalytic OxidationsMatthias Hackl, Vaibhav Jadhav, Gerald Klanert, Michael Karbiener, Marcel Scheideler, Johannes Grillari and Nicole Borth Analysis of microRNA transcription and post-transcriptional processing by Dicer in the context of CHO cell proliferationAleksandra Mitrovic, Karlheinz Flicker, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, Christoph Reisinger, Christoph Schirrmacher, Andrea Camattari and Anton Glieder Thermostability improvement of endoglucanase Cel7B from Hypocrea pseudokoningiiKatharina Schmoelzer, Christiane Luley, Tibor Czabany, Doris Ribitsch, Helmut Schwab, Hansjörg Weber and Bernd Nidetzky Mechanistic study of CMP-Neu5Ac hydrolysis by α2,3-sialyltransferase from Pasteurella dagmatisSteffen Gruber, Jeremias Hagen, Helmut Schwab and Petra Köfinger Versatile and stable vectors for efficient gene expression in Ralstonia eutropha H16Thomas Vogl, Gerhard Thallinger, Günther Zellnig, David Drew, James Cregg, Anton Glieder and Maria Elisabeth Freigaßner Towards improved membrane protein production in Pichia pastoris: general and specific transcriptional response to membrane protein overexpressionThomas Brück, Robert Kourist and Bernhard Loll Production of macrocyclic sesqui‐and diterpenes in heterologous microbial hosts: A systems approach to harness Nature’s molecular diversityRobert Kourist, Jan-Karl Guterl, Kenji Miyamoto and Volker Sieber Enzymatic decarboxylation—an emerging reaction for chemicals production from renewable resourcesKatrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari Carbon source dependent promoters in yeastsR Kourist, F. Hollmann and G. S. Nguyen Lipases as Sustainable Biocatalysts for the Sustainable Industrial Production of Fine Chemicals and CosmeticsDiogo Rodrigues, Matthias Kittelmann, Fabian Eggimann, Thorsten Bachler, Sandra Abad, Andrea Camattari, Anton Glieder, Margit Winkler and Stephan Lütz PRODUCTION OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN ALDEHYDE OXIDASE IN E. COLI AND OPTIMIZATION OF ITS APPLICATION FOR PREPARATIVE SYNTHESIS OF OXIDIZED DRUG METABOLITESLudger Wessjohann, Martin Dippe, Martin Tengg and Mandana Gruber Methyltransferases in biocatalysisCascade Biocatalysis: Stereoselective and Environmentally Friendly ReactionsGeorg Steinkellner, Christian C. Gruber, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Alexandra Binter, Kerstin Steiner, Christoph Winkler, Andrzej Lyskowski, Orsolya Schwamberger, Monika Oberer, Helmut Schwab, Kurt Faber, Peter Macheroux and Karl Gruber Identification of promiscuous ene-reductase activity by mining structural databases using active site constellationsMichael Karbiener, Didier Pisani, Andrea Frontini, Lisa Maria Oberreiter, Eleonore Lang, Alexandros Vegiopoulos, Karin Mössenböck, Gerwin Bernhardt, Torsten Mayr, Florian Hildner, Johannes Grillari, Gerard Ailhaud, Stephan Herzig, Saverio Cinti, Ez-Zoubir Amri and Marcel Scheideler MicroRNA-26 family is required for human adipogenesis and drives brown adipocytes characteristicsRonald Gstir, Simon Schafferer, Marcel Scheideler, M Misslinger, Matthias Griehl, N Daschil, C Humpel, GJ Obermair, C Schuckermair, J Striessnig, BE Flucher and Alexander Hüttenhofer Generation of a neuro-specific microarray reveals novel differentially expressed noncoding RNAs in mouse models for neurodegenerative diseases.Oliver Spadiut, Simona Capone, Florian Krainer, Anton Glieder and Christoph Herwig Microbials for the production of monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragmentsRyan Lauchli, Julia Pitzer, Rebekah Z. Kitto, Karolina Z. Kalbarczyk and Kersten S. Rabe Improved selectivity of an engineered multi-product terpene synthaseAnita Emmerstorfer, Tamara Wriessnegger, Melanie Hirz and Harald Pichler Overexpression of membrane proteins from higher eukaryotes in yeastsLaura Näätsaari, Florian Krainer, Michael Schubert, Anton Glieder and Gerhard Thallinger Peroxidase gene discovery from the horseradish transcriptomeKatrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari Extracellular transaminases for biocatalysisNew BiotechnologyS198-S198Margit Winkler, Kamilla Napora-Wijata, Birgit Wilding and Norbert Klempier Unconventional Enzymatic Reductions: Nitriles and Carboxylates as SubstratesNew BiotechnologyS1-S2Margit Winkler, Martina Geier, Thorsten Bachler, Steven P Hanlon, Matthias Kittelmann, Anton Glieder, Stephan Lütz and Beat Wirz Human flavin monooxygenase 2: Heterologous expression in E. coli and API modificationNew BiotechnologyS82-S82Michael Karbiener and Marcel Scheideler MicroRNA functions in brite/brown fat - novel perspectives towards anti-obesity strategiesMarcel Scheideler, Michael Karbiener, Eleonore Lang, Lisa Maria Oberreiter, Christina Glantschnig, Didier Pisani, Gérard Ailhaud and Ez-Zoubir Amri MicroRNA functions in human fat cell development - Novel perspectives towards anti-obesity strategiesBIT´s Annual World Congress of Molecular Cell Biology - 2014124-124Shuke Wu, Yongzheng Chen, Yi Xu, Anton Glieder and Zhi Li Enantioselective trans-dihydroxylation of aryl olefins by cascade biocatalysis with recombinant escherichia coli coexpressing monooxygenase and epoxide hydrolaseThomas Vogl, Claudia Ruth, Julia Pitzer, Thomas Kickenweiz and Anton Glieder Synthetic Core Promoters for Pichia pastorisMartin Pichler, Anna Ress, Elke Winter, Verena Stiegelbauer, Michael Karbiener, Daniela Schwarzenbacher, Marcel Scheideler, Cristina Ivan, Stephan Jahn, Tobias Kiesllich, Armin Gerger, Thomas Bauernhofer, George Calin and Gerald Höfler MiR-200a regulates epithelial to mesenchymal transition-related gene expression and determines prognosis in colorectal cancer patientsAndreas Maccani, Matthias Hackl, Christian Leitner, Nadine E. Tatto, Michael Karbiener, Marcel Scheideler, Johannes Grillari, Diethard Mattanovich, Renate Kunert, Nicole Borth, Reingard Grabherr and Wolfgang Ernst Identification of microRNAs specific for high producer CHO cell lines using steady-state cultivationAleksandra Mitrovic and Anton Glieder Discovery of fungal enzymes and pathwaysFungal Bio-Molecules: Sources, Applications and Recent Developments51-61Wolf-Dieter Lienhart, Venugopal Gudipati, Michael K. Uhl, Alexandra Binter, Sergio A. Pulido, Robert Saf, Klaus Zangger, Karl Gruber and Peter Macheroux Collapse of the native structure caused by a single amino acid exchange in human NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase1Kamila Napora, Gernot Strohmeier and Margit Winkler BIOCATALYTIC REDUCTION OF CARBOXYLIC ACIDSAndrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Christian Gruber, Georg Steinkellner, M Schuermann, Helmut Schwab, Karl Gruber and Kerstin Steiner Crystal structure of an (R)-selective ω-transaminase from Aspergillus terreus (R)-selective ω-transaminase from Aspergillus terreRomana Wiedner, Mandana Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Discovery of a novel (R)-selective bacterial cupin HNL from Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC 51196 by a sequence-based approachAlexander Deutsch, Beate Rinner, Kerstin Wenzl, Martin Pichler, Katharina Troppan, Elisabeth Steinbauer, Daniela Schwarzenbacher, Sonja Reitter, Julia Feichtinger, Sascha Tierling, Andreas Prokesch, Marcel Scheideler, Anne Krogsdam, Gerhard Thallinger, Helmut Schaider, Christine Beham-Schmid and Peter Neumeister NR4A1-mediated apoptosis supresses lymphomagenesis and is associated with a favorable cancer specific survival in patients with aggressive B-cell lymphomasAndrea Mellitzer, Claudia Ruth, Claes Gustafson, Mark Welch, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Roland Weis, Thomas Purkarthoer and Anton Glieder Synergistic modular promoter and gene optimization to push cellulase secretion by Pichia pastoris beyond existing benchmarksFlorian Krainer, Robert Pletzenauer, Laura Rossetti, Christoph Herwig, Anton Glieder and Oliver Spadiut Purification and basic biochemical characterization of 19 recombinant plant peroxidase isoenzymes produced in Pichia pastoris.Tamara Wriessnegger, Peter Andreas Augustin, Matthias Engleder, Erich Leitner, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Martin Schürmann, Daniel Mink, Günther Zellnig, Helmut Schwab and Harald Pichler Production of the sesquiterpenoid (+)-nootkatone by metabolic engineering of Pichia pastorsMichael Karbiener, Christina Glantschnig and Marcel Scheideler Hunting the needle in the haystack - A guide to obtain biologically meaningful microRNA targetsSteven P. Hanlon, Matthias Kittelmann and Margit Winkler SEMI-PREPARATIVE SCALE DRUG METABOLITE SYNTHESIS WITH HUMAN FLAVIN MONOOXYGENASESPractical Methods in Biocatalysis and Biotransformations135-139Ahmad Mudassar, Melanie Hirz, Harald Pichler and Helmut Schwab Protein expression in Pichia pastoris: recent achievements and perspectives for heterologous protein productionKatharina Tauber, Michael Fuchs, Johann H. Sattler, Julia Pitzer, Desiree Pressnitz, Dominik Koszelewski, Kurt Faber, Jan Pfeffer, Thomas Haas and Wolfgang Kroutil Artificial Multi-Enzyme Networks for the Asymmetric Amination of sec-AlcoholsReina Wada, Takashi Kumon, Robert Kourist, Hiromichi Ohta, Daisuke Uemura, Shosuke Yoshida and Kenji Miyamoto Thermally driven asymmetric domino reaction catalyzed by a thermostable esterase and its variantsAashrita Rajagopalan, Markus Schober, Anita Emmerstorfer, Lucas Hammerer, Anna Migglautsch, Birgit Seisser, Silvia M Glück, Frank Niehaus, Jürgen Eck, Harald Pichler, Karl Gruber and Wolfgang Kroutil Enzymatic aerobic alkene cleavage catalyzed by a Mn3+-dependent proteinase A homologueMelanie Hirz, Gerald Richter, Erich Leitner, Tamara Wriessnegger and Harald Pichler A novel cholesterol-producing Pichia pastoris strain is an ideal host for functional expression of human Na,K-ATPase α3β1 isoformKatharina Schmoelzer, Doris Ribitsch, Tibor Czabany, Christiane Luley, Deja Kokot, Andrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Helmut Schwab and Bernd Nidetzky Characterization of a multifunctional α2,3-sialyltransferase from Pasteurella dagmatisN. Mayer, M. Schweiger, M. Romauch, G.F. Grabner, T.O. Eichmann, E. Fuchs, J. Ivkovic, C. Heier, I. Mrak, A. Lass, G. Höfler, C. Fledelius, Rudolf Zechner, R. Zimmermann and R. Breinbauer Development of small-molecule inhibitors targeting adipose triglyceride lipaseF.G. Eikmeyer, Petra Köfinger, Andrea Poschenel, S Jünemann, M Zakrzewski, Stefan Heinl, Elisabeth Mayrhuber, Reingard Grabherr, Alf Pühler, Helmut Schwab and Andreas Schlüter Metagenome analyses reveal the influence of the inoculant Lactobacillus buchneri CD034 on the microbial community involved in grass ensilingKamila Napora, Tanja Wrodnigg, Patrick Kosmus, Martin Thonhofer, Karen Robins and Margit Winkler YARROWIA LIPOLYTICA DEHYDROGENASE/ REDUCTASE: AN ENZYME TOLERANT FOR LIPOPHILIC COMPOUNDS AND CARBOHYDRATE SUBSTRATESEnrique Herrero Acero, Doris Ribitsch, Anita Dellacher, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Annemarie Marold, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz Surface engineering of a cutinase from Thermobifida cellulosilytica for improved polyester hydrolysisMartina Geier and Anton Glieder Protein Engineering Using Eukaryotic Expression SystemsProtein Engineering Handbook - Volume 347-72Christine Winkler, Mudassar Ahmad, Peter Neugebauer, Helmut Schwab and Harald Pichler Probing the secretory pathway of the yeast Pichia pastorisBook of abstracts38-38Tamara Wriessnegger, Anita Emmerstorfer, Monika Müller, Iwona Kaluzna, Helmut Schwab and Harald Pichler Terpenoid production in yeastsBook of abstracts26-26Birgit Wilding, Margit Winkler, Barbara Petschacher, Regina Kratzer, Sigrid Egger, Georg Steinkellner, Andrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Bernd Nidetzky, Karl Gruber and Norbert Klempier Targeting the Substrate Binding Site of E. coli Nitrile Reductase QueF by Modeling, Substrate and Enzyme EngineeringElisa Lanfranchi, Kerstin Steiner, Anton Glieder, Ivan Hajnal, Roger A. Sheldon, Sander van Pelt and Margit Winkler RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROXYNITRILE LYASES FOR INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGYThomas Vogl New opportunities by synthetic biology for biopharmaceutical production in Pichia pastorisKateryna Fesko, Kerstin Steiner, Rolf Breinbauer, Helmut Schwab, Martin Schürmann and Gernot Strohmeier Investigation of one-enzyme systems in the w-transaminase-catalyzed synthesis of chiral aminesMartina Geier, Christian Schmid and Anton Glieder First functional expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 in Pichia pastorisThomas Vogl Regulation of Pichia pastoris promoters and its consequences for protein productionIvan Hajnal, Andrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Ulf Hanefeld, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Kerstin Steiner Biochemical and structural characterization of a novel bacterial manganese-dependent hydroxynitrile lyaseDoris Ribitsch, Orcal Yebra Antonio, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Jing Wu, Susanne Nowitsch, Georg Steinkellner, Katrin Julia Greimel, Doliška Aleš, Gustav Oberdorfer, Christian Gruber, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab, Stana-Kleinschek Karin, Enrique Herrero Acero and Georg Gübitz Fusion of binding-domains to Thermobifida cellulosilytica cutinase to tune sorption characteristics and enhancing PET hydrolysisMartina Geier, Andreas Braun, Patrick Fladischer, Piotr Stepniak, Florian Rudroff, Christoph Hametner, Marko Mihovilovic and Anton Glieder Double site saturation mutagenesis of the human cytochrome P450 2D6 results in regioselective steroid hydroxylationFlorian Krainer, Christoph Gmeiner, Lukas Neutsch, Markus Windwarder, Robert Pletzenauer, Christoph Herwig, Friedrich Altmann, Anton Glieder and Oliver Spadiut Knockout of an endogenous mannosyltransferase increases the homogeneity of glycoproteins produced in Pichia pastorisMargit Winkler Organ Function in Shake Flasks: Recombinant Human Enzymes for the Pharmaceutical IndustryTanja Knaus, Markus Schober, Bernhard Kepplinger, Martin Faccinelli, Julia Pitzer, Kurt Faber, Peter Macheroux and Ulrike Wagner Structure and mechanism of an inverting alkylsulfatase from Pseudomonas sp. DSM6611 specific for secondary alkyl sulfatesFlorian Krainer, Christian Dietzsch, Tanja Hajek, Christoph Herwig, Oliver Spadiut and Anton Glieder Recombinant protein expression in Pichia pastoris strains with an engineered methanol utilization pathwayHenrike Brundiek, Stefan Saß, Andrew Evitt, Robert Kourist and Uwe T Bornscheuer The short form of the recombinant CAL-A-type lipase UM03410 from the smut fungus Ustilago maydis exhibits an inherent trans-fatty acid selectivityDoris Ribitsch, Enrique Herrero Acero, Katrin Julia Greimel, Inge Eiteljörg, Eva Trotscha, Giuliano Freddi, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz Characterization of a new cutinase from Thermobifida alba regarding PET-surface hydrolysisAndreas Braun, Bettina Halwachs, Martina Geier, Katrin Weinhandl, Michael Guggemos, Jan Marienhagen, Anna Joel Ruff, Ulrich Schwaneberg, Daniel E. Torres Pazmiño, Vincent Rabin, Gerhard Thallinger and Anton Glieder MuteinDB: the mutein database linking substrates, products and enzymatic reactions directly with genetic variants of enzymesBettina Halwachs, Gregor Gorkiewicz and Gerhard Thallinger High-throughput characterization and comparison of microbial communitiesComputational Medicine37-57Henrike B Brundiek, Andrew S Evitt, Robert Kourist and Uwe T Bornscheuer Creation of a lipase highly selective for trans fatty acids by protein engineeringJessica Rehdorf, Geoffrey A Behrens, Giang-Son Nguyen, Robert Kourist and Uwe T Bornscheuer Pseudomonas putida esterase contains a GGG(A)X-motif confering activity for the kinetic resolution of tertiary alcoholsMargit Winkler and David O Hagan Synthesis of Fluorinated Neurotransmitter AnaloguesFluorine in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry : From Biophysical Aspects to Clinical Applications299-331Doris Ribitsch, Sonja Heumann, W. Karl, Jochen Gerlach, R. Leber, Ruth Birner-Grünberger, Karl Gruber, Inge Eiteljörg, Peter Remler, Petra Siegert, J. Lange, Karl-Heinz Maurer, Gabriele Berg, Georg Gübitz and Helmut Schwab Extracellular serine proteases from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: screening, isolation and heterologous expression in E.coli.Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Kerstin Steiner C–X Bond Formation: Hydroxynitrile lyases: From Nature to ApplicationComprehensive Chirality350-371Doris Ribitsch, Enrique Herrero Acero, Katrin Julia Greimel, Anita Dellacher, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Annemarie Marold, Rosario Diaz Rodriguez, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz A New Esterase from Thermobifida halotolerans Hydrolyses Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and Polylactic Acid (PLA)Andreas Braun, Martina Geier, Bruno Buehler, Andreas Schmid, Stephan Mauersberger and Anton Glieder Steroid biotransformations in biphasic systems with Yarrowia lipolytica expressing human liver cytochrome P450 genesSteven P. Hanlon, Andrea Camattari, Sandra Abad, Anton Glieder, Beat Wirz, Matthias Kittelmann, Stephan Lütz and Margit Winkler Expression of recombinant human flavin monooxygenase and moclobemide-N-oxide synthesis on multi-mg scaleBirgit Wilding, Margit Winkler, Regina Kratzer, Barbara Petschacher, Anton Glieder and Norbert Klempier NITRILE REDUCTASE FROM GEOBACILLUS KAUSTOPHILUS: A POTENTIAL CATALYST FOR A NEW NITRILE BIOTRANSFORMATION REACTIONAndrzej Lyskowski, Martin Tengg, Georg Steinkellner, Helmut Schwab, Mandana Gruber and Karl Gruber Crystallisation of the novel S-adenosyl-L-methionine dependent C-methyltransferase CouO from Streptomyces rishiriensis and preliminary diffraction data analysis. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. F: Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun.Harald Pichler and Tamara Wriessnegger Pichia pastoris as whole-cell biocatalyst for (+)-nootkatone productionPichia 201248-48Katrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari A NOVEL MULTI-ENZYMATIC ASSAY FOR TRANSAMINASE ACTIVITY: HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING APPLICATIONS IN PICHIA PASTORISMartina Geier, Andreas Braun, Anita Emmerstorfer, Harald Pichler and Anton Glieder Production of human cytochrome P450 2D6 drug metabolites with recombinant microbes--a comparative studyMargit Winkler and Andrea Camattari Recombinant Human Flavin Monooxygenases: Expression and Moclobemide N-oxide Synthesis on Semi-Preparative ScaleNew BiotechnologyS236-S237Kerstin Steiner, Andrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Ivan Hajnal, Georg Steinkellner, Helmut Schwab and Karl Gruber Crystallization of a novel metal-containing cupin from Acidobacterium sp. and preliminary diffraction data analysisChristoph Sygmund, Alexander Gutmann, Iris Krondorfer, Magdalena Kujawa, Anton Glieder, Beate Pscheidt, Dietmar Haltrich, Clemens Peterbauer and Roman Kittl Simple and efficient expression of Agaricus meleagris pyranose dehydrogenase in Pichia pastorisChristine Winkler Organaktivitäten im Schüttelkolben: Rekombinante menschliche Enzyme für die PharmaindustrieStefan Heinl, Daniel Wibberg, Felix G. Eikmeyer, Rafael Szczepanowski, Jochen Blom, Burkhard Linke, Alexander Goesmann, Reingard Grabherr, Helmut Schwab, Alfred Pühler and Andreas Schlüter Insights into the completely annotated genome of Lactobacillus buchneri CD034, a strain isolated from stable grass silageLaura Näätsaari, Beate Mistlberger, Claudia Ruth, Tanja Hajek, Franz Stefan Hartner and Anton Glieder Deletion of the Pichia pastoris KU70 homologue facilitates platform strain generation for gene expression and synthetic biologyAndrea Mellitzer, Roland Weis, Anton Glieder and Karlheinz Flicker Expression of lignocellulolytic enzymes in Pichia pastorisAndrea Mellitzer, Anton Glieder, Roland Weis, Christoph Reisinger and Karlheinz Flicker Sensitive high-throughput screening for the detection of reducing sugarsEnrique Herrero Acero, Doris Ribitsch, Katrin Julia Greimel, Anita Dellacher, Sabine Zitzenbacher, Annemarie Marold, Rosario Diaz Rodriguez, Gibson Stephen Nyanhongo, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz Two-step enzymatic functionalisation of polyamide with phenolicsKerstin Steiner and Helmut Schwab Recent advances in rational approaches for enzyme engineerings in rational approaches for enzyme engineeringZahid Hussain, Romana Wiedner, Kerstin Steiner, Tanja Hajek, Manuela Avi, Bianca Hecher, Angela Sessitsch and Helmut Schwab Characterization of two bacterial hydroxynitrile lyases with high similarity to cupin superfamily proteinsMartin Tengg, Harald Stecher, Peter Remler, Inge Eiteljörg, Mandana Gruber and Helmut Schwab Molecular characterization of the C-Methyltransferase NovO of Streptomyces spheroides, a valuable enzyme for performing Friedel-Crafts alkylationSandra Abad, Jozef Nahalka, Margit Winkler, Gabriele Bergler, Robert Speight, Anton Glieder and Bernd Nidetzky HIGH LEVEL EXPRESSION OF RHODOTORULA GRACILIS D-AMINO ACID OXIDASE IN PICHIA PASTORISKarim Engelmark Cassimjee, Robert Kourist, Diana Lindberg, Marianne Wittrup Larsen, Nguyen Hong Thanh, Mikael Widersten, Uwe T Bornscheuer and Per Berglund One-step enzyme extraction and immobilization for biocatalysis applications.Susanne Herter, Giang-Son Nguyen, Mark L Thompson, Fabian Steffen-Munsberg, Frieder Schauer, Uwe T Bornscheuer and Robert Kourist Comparative analysis of tertiary alcohol esterase activity in bacterial strains isolated from enrichment cultures and from screening strain libraries.R Kourist and U T Bornscheuer Biocatalytic synthesis of optically active tertiary alcoholsRobert Kourist, Pablo Domínguez de María and Kenji Miyamoto Biocatalytic strategies for the asymmetric synthesis of profens – recent trends and developmentsR Kourist and K.‚ Miyamoto Protein engineering of arylmalonate decarboxylase G74C, an artificial racemaseYusuke Miyauchi, Robert Kourist, Daisuke Uemura and Kenji Miyamoto Dramatically improved catalytic activity of an artificial (S)-selective arylmalonate decarboxylase by structure-guided directed evolution.Giang-Son Nguyen, Mark L. Thompson, Gideon Grogan, Uwe T. Bornscheuer and Robert Kourist Identification of novel esterases for the synthesis of sterically demanding chiral alcohols by sequence-structure guided genome miningEnrique Herrero Acero, Doris Ribitsch, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, Katrin Julia Greimel, Inge Eiteljörg, Eva Trotscha, R. Wei, W. Zimmermann, M. Zinn, A. Cavaco-Paulo, G. Freddi, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz Enzymatic Surface Hydrolysis of PET. Effect of Structural Diversity on Kinetic Properties of Cutinases from ThermobifidaPetra Köfinger, Christian Wels, Shiprad Joshi, Sabine Damm, Elisabeth Steinbauer, Christine Beham-Schmid, Sasa Frank, Helmut Bergler and Helmut Schaider The cadherin switch in melanoma instigated by HGF is mediated through epithelial-mesenchymal transition regulators.Cleiton M Souza, Tatjana M Schwabe, Harald Pichler, Birgit Ploier, Erich Leitner, Xue Li Guan, Markus W Wenk, Isabelle Riezman and Howard Riezman A stable yeast strain efficiently producing cholesterol instead of ergosterol is functional for tryptophan uptake, but not weak organic acid resistanceMatthias Schittmayer, Anton Glieder, Michael Karl Uhl, Andreas Winkler, Simone Zach, Jörg Schrittwieser, Wolfgang Kroutil, Peter Macheroux, Karl Gruber, Spiros Kambourakis, J. David Rozzell and Margit Winkler Old Yellow Enzyme catalyzed dehydrogenation of saturated ketonesAndrea Hasmann, Anita Eberl, Konstantin Schneider, K.-U. Schoening, F. Kaufmann, Anton Glieder, J. Kovac, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Eva Wehrschütz-Sigl and Georg Gübitz Hydroxylation of polypropylene using the monooxygenase mutant 139-3 from Bacillus megaterium BM3Christian Wels, Shiprad Joshi, Petra Köfinger, Helmut Bergler and Helmut Schaider Transcriptional Activation of ZEB1 by Slug Leads to Cooperative Regulation of the EMT like Phenotype in MelanomaDoris Ribitsch, Sonja Heumann, Eva Trotscha, Enrique Herrero Acero, Katrin Julia Greimel, Inge Eiteljörg, Peter Remler, Regina Maria Leber, Sigrid Deller, Giuliano Freddi, I. Donelli, K.H. Maurer, P. Siegert, T. Weber, Helmut Schwab and Georg Gübitz Hydrolysis of polyethyleneterephthalate by para-nitrobenzylesterase from Bacillus subtilisAndreas Küberl, Jessica Schneider, Gerhard Thallinger, Ingund Anderl, Daniel Wibberg, Tanja Hajek, Sebastian Jaenicke, Karina Brinkrolf, Alexander Goesmann, Rafael Szczepanowski, Alfred Pühler, Helmut Schwab, Anton Glieder and Harald Pichler High-quality genome sequence of Pichia pastoris CBS7435Giang-Son Nguyen, Robert Kourist, Monica Paravidino, Anke Hummel, Jessica Rehdorf, Romano V. a. Orru, Ulf Hanefeld and Uwe T. Bornscheuer An Enzymatic Toolbox for the Kinetic Resolution of 2-(Pyridin- x -yl)but-3-yn-2-ols and Tertiary CyanohydrinsMatthias Theurer, Peter Fischer, Angelika Baro, Giang Son Nguyen, Robert Kourist, Uwe Bornscheuer and Sabine Laschat Formation of chiral tertiary homoallylic alcohols via Evans aldol reaction or enzymatic resolution and their influence on the Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylationBernd Nidetzky, Sandra Abad, Jozef Nahalka, Robert Speight, I. Fotheringhan and Anton Glieder Stepwise engineering of a Pichia pastoris D-amino acid whole cell catalystSabine Damm, Petra Köfinger, Martina Stefan, Christian Wels, Gabor Mehes, Eva Richtig, Helmut Kerl, Marcus Otte and Helmut Schaider HGF-promoted motility in primary human melanocytes depends on CD44v6 regulated via NF-kappa B, Egr-1, and C/EBP-betaUlrike Schreiner, Georg Steinkellner, Anton Glieder, J. David Rozzell and Margit Winkler IMPROVED FITNESS OF ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA NITRILASE 2Doris Ribitsch, W Karl, Ruth Birner-Grünberger, Karl Gruber, Inge Eiteljörg, Peter Remler, Susanne Wieland, Petra Siegert, Karl Maurer and Helmut Schwab C-terminal truncation of a metagenome-derived detergent protease for effective expression in E. coli.Claudia Ruth and Anton Glieder Perspectives on synthetic promoters for biocatalysis and biotransformationMartin Koller, Aid Atlic, Miguel Miranda de Sousa Dias, Angelika Reiterer and Gerhart Braunegg Microbial PHA Production from Waste Raw MaterialsPlastics from Bacteria: Natural Functions and Applications85-119Daniel E Torres Pazmiño, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Marco W Fraaije Monooxygenases as biocatalysts: classification, mechanistic aspects and biotechnological applicationsKirsten Schroer, Klaus Peter Luef, Franz Stefan Hartner, Anton Glieder and Beate Pscheidt Engineering the Pichia pastoris methanol oxidation pathway for improved NADH regeneration during whole-cell biotransformationElena Fernández-Álvaro, Robert Kourist, Julia Winter, Dominique Böttcher, Klaus Liebeton, Christian Naumer, Jürgen Eck, Christian Leggewie, Karl-Erich Jaeger, Wolfgang Streit and Uwe T Bornscheuer Enantioselective kinetic resolution of phenylalkyl carboxylic acids using metagenome-derived esterases.Ulrike Schreiner, Bianca Hecher, Sascha Obrowsky, Kerstin Waich, Norbert Klempier, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, J. David Rozzell, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Directed evolution of Alcaligenes faecalis nitrilaseDoris Ribitsch, W Karl, Ruth Birner-Grünberger, Karl Gruber, Inge Eiteljörg, Peter Remler, Susanne Wieland, Petra Siegert, Karl Maurer and Helmut Schwab Engineering of choline oxidase from Arthrobacter nicotianae for potential use as biological bleach in detergents.M Gall, R Kourist, M Schmidt and U T Bornscheuer The role of the GGGX motif in determining the activity and enantioselectivity of pig liver esterase towards tertiary alcoholsSandra Abad, Kerstin Kitz, Astrid Hörmann, Ulrike Schreiner, Franz Stefan Hartner and Anton Glieder Real time PCR based determination of gene copy numbers in Pichia pastorisRobert Kourist, Henrike Brundiek and Uwe T. Bornscheuer Protein engineering and discovery of lipasesR Kourist, H Jochens, S Bartsch, R Kuipers, S K Padhi, M Gall, D Böttcher, H J Joosten and U T Bornscheuer The alpha/beta-hydrolase fold 3DM database (ABHDB) as a tool for protein engineering Wir verwenden Cookies, um Ihnen in Zukunft weiterhin das bestmögliche Service zur Verfügung stellen zu können. Nähere Informationen sowie Widerrufsmöglichkeiten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Präferenzen speichern
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