来自 :
★☆★★☆★★☆蛋白质相关实验技术操作全攻略★☆★★☆★★☆1、Western blotting:Western blotting using ECL reagent used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of FloridaKampss Western Blotting Protocolused by:Sefton Lab, Salk InstituteDry Transfer 干法蛋白转膜used by:The Preuss Lab,The Division of Biological Sciences,The University of ChicagoWestern Blot of TBP from TBP-GST bacteriaused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFWestern Blot/Anti-P-CREBused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFWestern blotting protocol for 1C2, 3B5H10, and 4C8 Antibodiesused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFProtocol for anti-HA antibody Western Blottingused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFProbing and Stripping of Western Blotused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteWestern Blotting Protocolused by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of VirginiaWestern Blotting and Immunostainingused by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityWestern Blotsused by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationWestern Blotting - Antibodiesused by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State UniversityWestern Blottingused by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard UniversityCarbonate Solution For Western Blotused by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonWestern Blot with BSAused by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonMETHOD for Western Blotsused by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonWestern Blotsused by:Michael Koelles Lab,Department of Molecular Biophysics and BiochemistryYale University2、蛋白分离/提取/浓缩 Lysis Buffersused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFYeast Protein Isolation \"Yaffe-Schatz\"used by:Amberg Lab ,Upstate Medical UniversityGuanidine Hydrochloride Purification of Proteins From SDS PAGEused by:Gottschling Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteYeast protein prep for SDS PAGE and western (rapid)used by:Gottschling Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteYeast protein prep for SDS PAGE and western (glass bead)used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstitutePurification of TFIIIC from yeastused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstitutePurification of TFIIA from E. coliused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteTCA protein precipitationused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstitutePurification of MLCK ( Myosin Light Chain Kinase )from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle肌球蛋白轻链激酶used by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical CenterPurification of Calmodulin from Bovine Brainused by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical CenterMyosin Light Chain Preparation from Skeletal and Cardiac Muscleused by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical CenterPurifying Protein from Inclusion Bodiesused by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityProtocol for Protein Extraction from Plantused by:The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Protein Core Facility (PCF)Taq Polymerase Purificationused by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard UniversityYeast Protein Prep (No Boil)used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonYeast Protein Prep (Boil)used by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonGST Fusion Protein Prepused by:Vesicle Trafficking, Stanford University3、蛋白质检测分析:AMIDO BLACK STAINused by:Hancock Laboratory Methods,Department of Microbiology and Immunology,University of British Columbia, British Columbia, CanadaJames Hardwicks angiotensin assay protocolused by:Sefton Lab,Salk InstitutePhosphoamino acid analysis:Mark Kampss methodused by:Sefton Lab,Salk InstituteULTIMATE HIS-UB ASSAY FORused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryULTIMATE HIS-UB ASSAY FOR YEASTused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryProtocol for Beta-Hexosaminidase RBL-2H3 Secretion Assayused by:meyer lab,Stanford UniversityMeasurement of Myosin Regulatory Light Chain (RLC) Phosphorylationused by:Stull Lab,University of Texas, Southwestern Medical CenterBicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Protein Assayused by:David R. Caprette, Rice UniversityBiuret Protein Assayused by:David R. Caprette, Rice UniversityBradford protein assayused by:David R. Caprette, Rice UniversityHartree-Lowry and Modified Lowry Protein Assaysused by:David R. Caprette, Rice UniversityColorimetric Assaysused by:David R. Caprette, Rice UniversityKd measurement, fitting, calculation, and simulationused by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University4、蛋白标记修饰DSP Crosslinkingused by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of MedicineLabeling Gc-Globulin with Carboxyfluorescein Succinimidyl Esterused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Tubulin with Tetramethylrhodamine Succinimidyl Esterused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Gizzard Vinculin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamideused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Gizzard Alpha-actinin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamideused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Gizzard Myosin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamide (primarily 17kD MLC)used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Gizzard Myosin with Tetramethyorhodamine Iodoacetamide (MHC and 17kD MLC)used by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Muscle Actin with N-(1-pyrene) Iodoacetamideused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Muscle Actin with Tetramethylrhodamine Iodoacetamideused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Muscle Actin with Carboxyfluorescein Succinimidyle Esterused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)Labeling Muscle Actin with 5-Iodoacetamidofluoresceinused by:Yu-Li Wang Lab,University of massachusetts Medical School(UMASS)ultimate mammalian cell pulse-chaseused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratoryultimate yeast pulse-chaseused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryGluteraldehyde Conjugation of Oligopeptides to Proteinsused by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationFluorescein labeling of proteinsused by:David Chambers,Salk instituteBiosynthetic labelingused by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute , San Diego, California5、免疫沉淀(IP/CoIP/ChIP) Immunoprecipitation buffers and protocolsused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFCell Lysis/Western/IPused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFAmplification and Labelling with Cy dyesused by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale UniversityChromatin Immunoprecipitation from Mammalian Cell Extractsused by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale UniversityChromatin Immunoprecipitation from Yeast Whole Cell Extractsused by:Yale Genome Analysis Center, Yale UniversityImmunoprecipitationused by:Hancock Laboratory Methods. Department of Microbiology and Immunology,University of British Columbia, British Columbia, CanadaUltimate yeast denaturing IPused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryULTIMATE FREEZE-THAW LYSIS FORused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryUltimate mammalian nondenaturing IPused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryUltimate mammalian denaturing IPused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryUltimate yeast ChIP assayused by:the Tansey Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laborat oryChromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay and PCRused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteYeast Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)used by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteMirmira Lab ChIP Protocolused by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of VirginiaChIP Assay Protocolused by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of VirginiaImmunoprecipitation and Immune Complex kinase assayused by:Sefton Lab, Salk InstituteGeneral Principles of Immunoprecipitationused by:Sefton Lab, Salk Institute6、 融合蛋白表达及纯化 Use of B-PER lysis reagent to purify recombinant proteins tagged with His6 or maltose binding proteinused by:Smith Lab,Division of Biological Sciences,University of MissouriBacterial Expression of Kinesin Motorsused by:Liz Greene and Steve HenikoffPurification of recombinant sBRF M166Lused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteProtein Expression and Purification of RPA70-ABused by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityCo-Expression and purification of human DNA primase p49-p58 subunits引发酶p49-p58亚基共表达纯化方法used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityProtein Expression and Purification of MBP-T antigen MBP-T抗原表达纯化used by:Chazin Lab, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityPerspectives on Baculovirus Expression Systems表达used by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationExpression & Purification of His Tagged Proteins in E. coliused by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard University7、相互作用分析Amplifying a large phage-display library without losing diversityused by:Smith Lab,Division of Biological Sciences,University of MissouriProtein Interaction Analysis Using an IASYS Biosensorused by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at AustinYeast Two-Hybrid Screen with Library and Baitused by:Mirmira Laboratory at the University of Virginia8、蛋白电泳/双向电泳 SDS-PAGEused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFGel Drying干胶used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFNuPAGE Gel Electrophoresis 蛋白电泳used by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at AustinIsoelectric Focussing of Membrane Proteins by Slab Gel Methodused by:Hancock Laboratory Methods,Department of Microbiology and Immunology,University of British Columbia, British Columbia, CanadaSilver Staining SDS PAGE Gelsused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteE. coli total protein for SDS PAGEused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteComassie Blue Protein gel stainused by:Hahn Lab,The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Howard Hughes Medical InstituteCoomassie & Silver Staining of Polyacrylamide Gelsused by:Lab of Dr. Mark Barton Frank, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation2-D Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresisused by:Molecular Profiling Initiative, National Cancer Institute(NCI)Silver Staining of SDS-PAGE Gelsused by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State UniversitySDS-PAGE Gelsused by:The Minion Lab, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State UniversityCuCl2 Staining of SDS-PAGE Gelsused by:Cepko/Tabin Lab, Harvard UniversityElectroelution of Proteins From SDS-PAGE Gelsused by:Drs. C Cepko and C Tabin, Harvard UniversitySilver Stain of Protein Gelsused by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonSDS-PAGE (BIO-RADused by:Dr. DE Koshland, Carnegie Institution of WashingtonSDS-PAGEused by:Michael Koelles Lab,Department of Molecular Biophysics and BiochemistryYale University9、质谱分析Polycrystalline thin films质谱样品准备used by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller UniversitySeeded films (Vorm-Roepstorff)used by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller UniversityDried dropletused by:Prowl Lab,Rockefeller UniversityIn-gel Tryptic Digest for Protein ID by Mass Spectrometryused by:Mitshison Lab, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School10、crystallization Polycrystalline thin filmsused by:PROWL, Rockefeller UniversitySlow crystallizationused by:PROWL, Rockefeller UniversityCrystallization of Kinesin Family Motor Proteins驱动蛋白家族的结晶条件和晶体参数used by:Liz Greene and Steve HenikoffCrystallization Trialsused by:Liz Greene and Steve Henikoff11、in vitro protein synthesis Protein Syntheses in Cell Free Systemsused by:The Laboratory of William Heidcamp at Gustavus Adolphus University12、蛋白纯化/层析 6xHis-tagged protein purification using Qiagen Ni-NTA Column under Native Conditionsused by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolPurification of dnEBNA-1/Soft from E. coli BL21 LysSused by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolPurification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化(方法四)筛选表达株used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolPurification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法三,纯化小量蛋白used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolPurification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法二used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolPurification of GST fusion proteins in E.coli GST融合蛋白纯化,方法一used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School Purification of 6xHis epitope tagged proteins by Ni-NTA-Agarose His标签蛋白纯化used by:Sugden lab,McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical SchoolFusion Protein Isolation 融合蛋白分离纯化used by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of MedicineAffinity Column Preparation 亲和层析柱制备used by:Peter Novick Lab, Department of Cell Biology Yale University School of MedicinePreparation of Affinity Column制备亲和层析柱used by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSFColumn Buffersused by:Steven Finkbeiner, Departments of Neurology and Physiology, UCSF13、蛋白定量 Glutathione - a microassay for determining glutathione content in cells 检测细胞谷胱苷肽含量used by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of FloridaBradford Protein Assay - a microassay for determining protein content in a 96-well microtiter plate formatused by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of FloridaLowry Protein Assayused by:Laboratory of P.J. Hansen,Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of FloridaBradford Assayused by:Kitto Lab, The University of Texas at Austin注:以上资源转自生物服务网,在此表示诚挚的感谢! ★★★编辑:wudihero007
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发布于 : 2025-03-10
QQ :1570468124